Tools for Nonlinear Estimation

… we may have knowledge of the past and cannot control it;
we may control the future but have no knowledge of it.
--- Claude Elwood Shannon

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Welcome to the web pages devoted to presentation of several tools suited for nonlinear estimation. These tools were developed by the Identification and Decision Making Research Group at the University of West Bohemia.

What do the tools provide?

The presented tools implement various estimation techniques used for state and parameter estimation. They are not only useful for testing and comparing various techniques. The cornerstone of these tools are modular and easily extensible frameworks that facilitate implementation of new techniques as well. Their strength lies in the fact that they provides means that help interested researchers, teachers and students to get acquainted with nonlinear state estimation problem and to be able to test features of various estimation techniques.

Are you interested in the tools?

In case you are interested in the presented tools please see the tools page.